Thursday, December 26, 2013


December 26 2013

When the temperature dips to -16°F - rare for southwest Idaho, even in the winter - the horses turn their thick coats broadside to the rising sun. Their 90° body angle to the sun exposes the most surface area to the warming rays.


  1. Just beautiful! Animals always seem to know how to take care of themselves and stay warm.

  2. "It is the blessed sun." (Taming of the Shrew) My Boys love to sunbathe too. Hasn't been that cold here, thank goodness, but cold enough.

    Once again, beautiful pictures.

  3. They are so gorgeous! Wonderful photos! But could you just build them a little campfire at night to huddle by? Merri, that's brutal cold! Happy holidays to you and yours!

  4. Love these photos. We're getting a rare sunny day here and Dancer is pancaked out in the field, sunning himself.

  5. It looks cold in those lovely photos. I did wonder - do the horses turn around once in a while to warm the other side?
