Tuesday October 29 2013
More photos of the spectacular trails, on Day 2 of the Moab Canyons endurance ride.

Jose gawking at the scenery (just like I was doing!) at his favorite place - the highest point.

Leading down a steep hill from one canyon into the next.

Jose ogling the scenery some more - I mean, what else can you do in country like this?!

See how high we are on this mesa on loop 1? On loop 2 we will be on a trail in that valley directly below us (Jose spotted the horses), going all the way around that massive Lost World Butte on the left.

Coming into the vet check below The Needles

Just - beauty. Gasp!

Weathered, rippled slickrock sandstone. We're headed for a shelf right alongside the cliffs ahead.

Lots of sand, from all the sandstone cliffs: white sand, pink sand, red sand, deep sand. Climbing out of the Lost World Butte valley.

Jose and The Raven had an awesome ride!
Steph had an excellent camera and got some rare photos of me!

Stunning cottonwoods along the Bartlett Wash

Climbing above yet another canyon on slickrock - easy going in the horses' rubber easyboots!

Pausing to let Jose gape. With his elf eyes, he spotted horses far in the distance.

I. Love. This. Country. I could ride among its mysteries forever. (Well... in fall and winter, when it's coolest!)

Possibly my favorite photo of me and Jose, anywhere, ever.

Climbing red slickrock beneath a gargantuan mesa.
More photos and a recap of the ride! at: