Good thing the Diva brought her attendant with her to the Owyhee Spring Riding Spa.
Today this visiting Diva gets up at noon (OK, it was 10:30)(she blames it on the cold - she's awake early but it's too hard to get out of the warm bed), and wants to go riding.
Well, she thinks she's in Egypt where you just sit like a Queen while everything is done for you short of boosting your butt up into the saddle. She sent her old decrepit dog Zico out to fetch her horse Finneas,

Once she got in the saddle, we three Queens headed out on a partly cloudy cool morning for a proper ride.

At the end of Blond Cow Wash, at the top of Tamara's Hill, we suddenly had some dark blue clouds obscuring the mountains and heading our way.

Two miles from home, it started spitting little ice balls and rain and snowflakes. But the horses strode boldly on through the weather... and by the time we got back home, the squall had passed and the sun was back out.

And as the Diva dismounted and took up her cushy position reading in the beach chair in the yard, Zico untacked her horse and took him out in the pasture and turned him loose.

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