Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And then i had to go SHOPPING

Tuesday September 13 2011

When I was around 10 years old, every two weeks I had to drive with my mom on the long-a** drive into the big city and get allergy shots. If that wasn't bad enough, then I had to go shopping. It took all day.

I didn't want to go shopping. I was never in the mood for shopping. I slumped around with a sour face. I tried a sad face. I complained. I dragged behind my mother, irritating her to no end. ("Would you come on!"). I shuffled my feet in protest. At every shop she stopped at and went into, when we came out I immediately turned around to head back to the car. She pulled me around the other way and we kept shopping. She always tried to make it sound better than it was: "It's such a nice day!" "Oh, isn't this pretty!" The day always dragged out forever.

When we were finally finished shopping, and turned around to go home, the day wasn't so bad after all. My pace picked up beside my mom on the way to the car, and the drive home seemed shorter and much more fun.


And then I had to go FLAG THE TRAIL (by Finneas)

I'm 13, too old and pretty for this stuff, but every couple of months, I have to carry M on the long-a** ride across the big Owyhee desert. If that weren't bad enough, then I have to flag the trail for the upcoming Owyhee Canyonlands endurance ride. It takes all day.

Today I didn't want to go flag trail. I was not in the mood for flagging trail. I slumped around with a sour face. I tried a sad face. I planted my feet in the dirt and complained. I dragged behind M, irritating her to no end. ("Would you come on!"). I shuffled my feet and tripped over rocks in protest as she rode. At every sagebrush she stopped at to hang a ribbon on, when she climbed back in the saddle, I immediately turned around to head back home. She pulled me around the other way and we kept flagging. She always tried to make it sound better than it was: "It's such a nice day!" "Oh, isn't this pretty!" The day dragged out forever.

When we were finally finished flagging trail and turned around to go home, the day wasn't so bad after all. My pace picked up for M on the way home, and the trail home seemed shorter and much more fun.

(P.S. by Merri)
It always comes back to bite you in the butt, one way or another!


  1. ha ha. and I love the last photo...

  2. What fun to see the 'other' side of the story!

  3. quinganOh my Gawd! That`s why my horses give me no end of trouble while marking trail!
    Thanks for the reminder, Merri!

  4. Yup does seem to huh!!
    Too funny!! ;)

  5. the blue bridle is very pretty and I really laughed reading and seeing the pictures! jan

  6. Ha, funny comparison. It flagging is as bad as shopping, I'm with Fineas.

  7. I have day's when I sympathize with Fineas' view of the world. "Oh no, not shopping..."

  8. I thought this was going to be about you complaining about how hotttttttt it issssssss :)

  9. ROFL, poor Finn! He looks very handsome in that blue headstall at least...

  10. I love it!!!!!! So true :)

  11. So true, so true, so true!

  12. LOL! so cute Merri! Loved it!!! ♥
