Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gruffy the Bull

Wednesday January 16 2013

A much tamer version of Bull Evacuation occurred with Gruffy. Unlike Fluffy's frenetic, forceful, and somewhat humiliating removal from the Owyhee Spa, the cowboys gently (if such a word can be associated with a bull) drove Gruffy off the Owyhee Spa acreage, over the ridge into the next drainage, and on down to his proper winter home.


  1. That is one big bull! Great photos! Those are some brave pups too! Merri! It looks freezing in your neck of the woods, Girl!

  2. Great photo story, again. It certainly is exciting in your neck of the woods. No cattle around here that I know of. Just some strange sounding critter calling across the pasture last night......

  3. Lovely photos - thank you for sharing. I like especially that keen horse hooves poised leaving the trailer whilst his rider stands there strong yet calm.
