February 11 2024
My beloved Stormy galloped over the rainbow bridge 2 1/2 years ago. Soon after, I started creating a memorial for him.
I got the outline done, gathered rocks I would eventually fill it in with.
Time passed, and more time passed. Weeds grew, time kicked the rocks out of the outline, and the pile of rocks I collected for the insides seemed to shrink.
The time has come to start working on it again!
I pulled the weeds, I re-did the outline, and used all the rocks I'd collected to start filling it in. Now, when out on hikes, when I see just the right rocks, I carry them home to fill the gaps.
It will still take some time, but seeing as it took me about 2 1/2 years to complete my beloved Dudley's memorial up on a hillside, I'm right about on my time schedule. :)
Just like every time I see Dudley's memorial on the hill, every rock I carry to Stormy's memorial brings a memory back. I know they are happy with that.